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LDAP Admin - Password Policy

Password Policy by John 'Profic' Ustiuzhanin

ver 1.0

Template for Password Policy entry (OpenLDAP ppolicy overlay)

   <name>Password Policy</name>
   <description>Template for Password Policy entry (OpenLDAP ppolicy overlay)</description>

   <author>John 'Profic' Ustiuzhanin</author>



   <control type="panel">

      <attribute type="text">
         <description>Common name for entry</description>

      <attribute type="text">
         <description>Description of entry</description>


   <control type="panel">
      <caption>Password expiration</caption>

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Minimum time before users are allowed to change their passwords (in seconds)</description>

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Maximum time before users are forced to change their passwords (in seconds)</description>

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Time to issue a warning before user passwords are due to expire (in seconds)</description>

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Number of times users may use their expired passwords</description>

   <control type="panel">
      <caption>Account lockout</caption>

      <attribute type="boolean">
         <description>Lockout account after specified number of failed login attempts</description>

         <control type="checkbox">

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Time to lockout account (in seconds)</description>

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Number of consecutive failed login attempts to lockout account</description>

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Time to reset number of failed login attempts (in seconds)</description>

   <control type="panel">
      <caption>Password changing and quality</caption>

      <attribute type="boolean">
         <description>Allow users to change their passwords</description>

         <control type="checkbox">

      <attribute type="boolean">
         <description>Force users to change their passwords after administrative reset</description>

         <control type="checkbox">

      <attribute type="boolean">
         <description>Force users to sent current passwords along with new ones when changing them</description>

         <control type="checkbox">

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Passwords to store in history</description>

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Check password quality</description>

         <control type="combolist">
                  <caption>Do not check quality</caption>
                  <caption>Check quality and accept if can't do it</caption>
                  <caption>Check quality and reject if can't do it</caption>

      <attribute type="integer">
         <description>Minimum number of characters in password</description>


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